星期四, 2月 23, 2006

1. 首先,我要搵錢;然後,我要錢搵錢。
2. 'A creative man can't jump from nothing to a great idea. He needs a springboard of information.' Bill Bernbach
3. 我需要學的不是技術,而是知識。
4. 「當複製人流行的時候,『你阿媽係女人』將不會再是一句廢話。」
5. 意義並不在乎於事件自身的趣味,人生的意義不在乎生命自身的趣味。
6. 「香港教育制度一路都差嫁啦,你學唔學到野呀?」
7. 日日係到complaincomplaincomplain.
8. 'never stayed in the office after five, never took work at home, and never worked at weekends!'
9. Advertising is more than an Art, its about art, marketing, linguistics, psychology, sociology...
10. "Safe advertising is the riskiest advertising you can do." Bill Bernbach
