星期一, 5月 15, 2006

I am leaving on a jet plane


星期六, 5月 13, 2006


居於將軍澳數月,沒有留戀,只覺回家又要多塔地鐵幾個站,仍然是覺得家在藍田。八九十年代住過藍田的人都有一種依戀。那幢劉德華住過的十五座,阿德在《錦繡藍田》形容過的「與十五座連體而生」的小學,還有那兩所近乎是男女校的男校和女校,校服皮鞋石頭屋邨球場巴士……到現在,又要再唱一次《再見》;對,我又要搬屋,搬進Y字型新市鎮,感受牛腩帶給我自豪,你地重要飲cappuccino ?!

星期日, 5月 07, 2006

Today's two thumbs up

'Role models are probably the most important motivational force there is, besides hunger and sex of course.'
'... drives even the lazy ones to their desks.'
'people want to be admired, they want a comfortable life, they want better luck with the opposite sex, they want to see their rivals spitting nails.'
-Walter Lurzer, Professor, University of Applied art, Vienna

Edward de Bono(2004), 'How To Have A Beautiful Mind', Vermilion

Fenris Kai's recommendations:
'... highly argumentative person seeks to demonstrate superiority through disagreement.'
'Gentle disagreement is as valid as aggressive disagreement. On the whole, it is more beautiful to be gentle than to be aggressive.'

星期五, 5月 05, 2006



星期二, 5月 02, 2006