星期一, 3月 31, 2008

星期四, 3月 27, 2008

Quarter Life Crisis 之外顯

  1. 有人想放多幾個暑假。
  2. 有人不滿同學聲稱自己未搵工但其實偷偷搵緊中。
  3. 突然睇好多鄉土青春片。
  4. 然後唱羅大佑的童年。
  5. 認為所有公司都是政治平台。
  6. 戶口金額進入另一峽谷。
  7. 有些人開始怕見到中學同學。
  8. 有些女/男生開始說:「我要做闊太。」
  9. 寂寞又發現無人傾訴。
我經已做齊上列九項,包括(8.)。HOLY SHIT,火花男,我要畢業喇。

With slideshare, we don't need to go to Universities

Shit! That is excellent!

But don't forget, once the new ones are printed on a textbook, that are old already.

星期二, 3月 25, 2008

So far so flat

生存廿二載,平平無奇,未能改變世界,並有Quarter Life Crisis。不過我們生來就是要忍受平庸與及不爽,活在人類的各類系統底下。
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends

Life is like this

The flower said, "I wish I was a tree."
The tree said, "I wish I could be a different kind of tree."
The cat wished that it was a bee.
The turtle wished that it could fly really high into the sky, over rooftops and then dive deep into the sea.

And in the sea there is a fish,
A fish that has a secret wish,
A wish to be a big cactus with a pink flower on it.

And the rattlesnake said, "I wish I had hands so I could hug you like a man."
And then the cactus said, "Don't you understand? My skin is covered with sharp spikes that'll stab you like a thousand knives."
A hug would be nice, but hug my flower with your eyes.

星期一, 3月 24, 2008

星期六, 3月 22, 2008

Life is so real

The world is twisted, bended
We can make dreams, only when we go to bed

Don't try to moan and sign
That is not wise
Just make fun in your daily life

星期三, 3月 19, 2008

星期一, 3月 17, 2008

Declare Independence

暫時我們要知的並不是西藏應否獨立(雖然我某程度上都同意Bjork: Declare Independence),而是要搞清楚誰是發難者、發難者發難的程度,並且知道中國以什麼方法對付之。不要讓外介使出政治手段。

星期六, 3月 15, 2008



星期四, 3月 13, 2008



星期一, 3月 10, 2008


星期日, 3月 09, 2008


  1. 是ATV,令每個青少年都在星期日渴望父母十點前睡。
  2. "My mind is not stimulated, so how can I create things?" - Boer, prisoner
  3. "Great design comes from great minds and a tight budget." - Ikea

星期四, 3月 06, 2008

I have just found my hobby


"We've lost our Everyman ability to build, maintain, and repair the devices we rely on every day. And that's making it harder to solve the country's nastiest problems, like oil dependence, climate change, and global competitiveness."

星期二, 3月 04, 2008

My dream

Conceptually gifted. Technically proficient.

Company's dream

Chaos, Unpredictability, Creativity

星期一, 3月 03, 2008